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Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation (TELOS, Vol. 2)

Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation (TELOS, Vol. 2)

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Author: Aurelia Louise Jones


  • Used Book in Good Condition

Number Of Pages: 224

Release Date: 30-07-2004

Details: Product Description Volume 2 of the Telos series, offers channeled, spiritual messages from the Earth’s Interior. Timely and fascinating messages from the people of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, living in the fifth dimensional city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. The teachings of this book inspires the reader to rise their consciousness to new levels of attainment and explains how to reconnect with the divine aspect of Self, in order to live and experience once again our divinity and manifest its magic in our daily lives. The "eye opener" spiritual gold nuggets this book contains prepares the reader to embrace the initiations that will be required in order to be admitted in a fifth dimensional paradise. Great changes and new ways of living our lives on Earth are about to manifest on this planet and one has understand and prepare their consciousness to embrace the changes. Here is what Adama has to say at this time: We, as masters of Light, invite you now to choose a more joyful and prosperous destiny for your lives. We urge you to begin creating your lives with much greater ease and grace. The long dark night is now drawing to a close on the surface of our planet, and it is time for all of you to start dreaming a new dream for yourself and for the Earth. Let go of all concepts of limitation, sorrow and fear. Believe in the God Presence that beats your heart, and create magic in all aspects of your lives. We encourage you to open yourselves fully to all of the wondrous possibilities that are awaiting you. May peace, love, wisdom and deep understanding be your Beacon of Light, and may you embrace the consciousness that will bring you back home. We miss you as much as you miss us! Review I predict that this "eye opener" will deeply touch the heart of all those longing to connect with their origins. --Christina Kennedy, The Good Earth Magazine, July 1st, 2004 About the Author Aurelia Louise Jones was born in Montreal in a French Canadian family in the early 40’s. She graduated as a nurse in the early part of her working career, and also worked as a Spiritual and Health Counselor most of her adult life, as a naturopath and a homeopath, using several holistic modalities. She also included in her practice holistic animal care and consulting, using nutrition, homeopathy, flower essences and several other natural healing modalities. She moved to the U.S. in 1989. Under the sponsorship of the Brotherhood of Light and the order of Melchizedek, she was ordained as a minister in 1998, and has been devoting much of her time to the spiritual ministry ever since. She is also a spiritual teacher of higher consciousness principles leading to the Ascension process. While living in Montana in 1997, she received direct guidance from Adama, and the Lemurian Council of Light of Telos to move to Mount Shasta to be prepared for a mission with them that will eventually become the major aspect of her life’s work. She moved to Mount Shasta one year later in June 1998. She is now the founder and owner of Mt. Shasta Light Publishing and "The Lemurian Connection Newsletter. At the request of Lady Quan Yin, Aurelia Louise channeled through her cat Angelo a touching message from the animal kingdom, now in a book called: "Angelo’s Message to the World". Angelo is her favorite cat who has incarnated to be with her another time in order to bring his message on behalf of the animal kingdom, regarding the treatment of animals on this planet. She has published two books about Telos and the Lemurian teachings that were first published in French and have become best sellers, especially the second book. Those two books are now published in English and in Spanish. These books offer very important tools for the understanding of the future of this planet and for the understanding of how life was really meant to be lived here, and how we can change our present reality to a far better world. Aurelia Louise channels Adama, the high priest of the Lemurian cit

EAN: 9780970090256

Languages: English

Binding: Paperback

Item Condition: New


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