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Author: Robert L. Bland

Edition: 4th


  • An expansion on themes introduced in previous editions
  • A call on local managers to embrace truth-in-budgeting—creating an organizational culture that ensures the budget office is a dependable source of credible analyses
  • Practical guidance on how managers can effectively communicate budget information with their stakeholders and elevate the legitimacy of local government
  • Specific strategies for responding to and mitigating the range of crises that can potentially strike a local government
  • Assessment of the impact of property tax exemptions on local budgets and the strategies used to compensate for the lost revenue

Number Of Pages: 343

Release Date: 16-09-2019

Details: Discover new arenas that shape the “warp and woof” of budgets and the policies and processes managers use to craft spending decisions. Navigating the increasingly complex crosscurrents of local government finance has become an essential skill for today’s public administrator. The convergence of rising expectations from citizens and council members, anemic growth in revenue sources, and unfunded pensions now coming due has complicated the local manager’s task of preparing a budget that balances revenues with expenditures. More fundamentally, today’s managers must deliver services at a time when public confidence in government and its ability to perform have reached unparalleled lows. This book examines the issues that a local manager confronts in developing a budget— both the choice of public services and projects to provide, and the choice of revenue sources used to pay for them. When formulating a budget, the manager must balance what is economically best, politically expedient, and administratively possible. Because the manager must also respond to citizens’ perceptions of an issue, whatever their accuracy, this book also examines budgets in those terms. In a more general sense, effective leadership requires that the public administrator shape as well as follow public opinion. The recommendations made throughout this book are designed to enhance citizens’ confidence in the responsiveness and competence of local government leaders.

EAN: 9780873264358

Languages: English

Binding: Paperback

Item Condition: New


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